IP-CS7 Cotrôleur d'extendeur IP

  • RELAY (Répéteurs / Egaliseurs HDMI 1.3) Ip-cs7 Cotrôleur D
790.00 € HT
Référence : IP-CS7
Marque : CYP
Quantité :
The IP-CS7 is a powerful and flexible installation solution for controlling the CYP range of IP-6000's and IP-7000's. It is capable of simultaneously managing multiple IP extenders across the same network. The unit only requires installation within your network to start the configuration process. The IP-CS7 will search and discover all Transmitters and Receivers on the network, enabling simple configuration of a uni-cast or multicast installation.

When using the IP-CS7 WebGui, it is possible to define and control all of the TX/RX's on the network. It also allows the user to create pre-determined switching groups or presets for added control. The on board set up 'Wizard' adds simplicity to the installation process, guiding the installer through the setup and control features of the unit.

Dual LAN connectivity on the device allows the system to run on a bespoke IP network whilst the additional LAN allows for connection to a secondary network for control and configuration. This is particular useful when access maybe prohibited via the LAN network, the IP-CS7 provides a direct link to the IP video network.   

Using the WebGui the user has access to a 'Monitor & Control' area for simple drag and drop control and switching of sources. In this mode the user can see a preview of the content being delivered from the source. The system setup area of the WebGui has protected access rights so to prevent any changes being made to the system by other users. An alternative control method of the device can be achieved by using the Trigger Input interface. This interface allows the user to activate pre-defined functions or presets at the touch of a button. Standard control of the device can be achieved using RS-232, Telnet and the WebGui.